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Slumming It by Sabrina Stark

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Slumming It

Reese Murdock. He doesn't do nice. He doesn't get involved. And he never, ever falls in love. Until her.

Desperation. It makes people do funny things, which is why Emily Quinn shouldn't be shocked to find herself pretending to be something she's not – the new bed buddy of Reese Murdock, the billionaire bigshot himself.

The plan isn't just crazy. It's beyond reckless. The guy practically screams danger – the scary kind and the good kind, meaning the kind that makes nice girls go bad in spite of their very best intentions.

Payback. Served hot or cold, Bad Boy Developer Reese Murdock always gives as good as he gets, which is blazing bad news for Emily Quinn and all she holds dear. He's rich, ruthless, and never bluffs. He wasn't always this way. But these days, he has the power to build and the power to destroy, which makes all of this a game he'll never lose.

Sure, there might some collateral damage along the way, but the school of hard knocks has taught him a lesson he won't soon forget. People are disposable. Replaceable. Forgettable.

And yes, this includes Emily Quinn.

Until it doesn't.


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